⚠️ This guide has not been actively kept up to date since before Nim 1.0. Many things are still the same, but some things have changed.


Nim’s json module allows you to work with JSON data.

Converting Data Into JSON

The json module provides the %* operator which is used to create JSON objects. Note the use of the $ operator to convert the JsonObject to its string representation.

import json

let element = "Hydrogen"
let atomicNumber = 1

let jsonObject = %* {"element": element, "atomicNumber": atomicNumber}
# This will print {"element":"Hydrogen", "atomicNumber": 1}
echo $jsonObject

Parsing and accessing JSON

import json

# We start with a string representation of a JSON object
let jsonObject = """{"name": "Sky", "age": 32}"""
let jsonArray = """[7, 8, 9]"""

let parsedObject = parseJson(jsonObject)
let name = parsedObject["name"].getStr()
# This will print Sky
echo name

let parsedArray = parseJson(jsonArray)
let eight = parsedArray[1].getInt()
# This will print 8
echo eight

The parseJson method takes in a string representing a JSON object or array and transforms it into a JsonNode. We can access the fields of a JsonNode object using the [] syntax.

The procs getInt, getFloat, getStr and getBool are used for converting JsonNode’s into Nim data types.

Parsing JSON into a Nim Object

In some cases you may want to convert from a JSON string directly to an object.

import json

# First we'll define our types
  Element = object
    name: string
    atomicNumber: int

# Let's say this is the JSON we want to convert
let jsonObject = parseJson("""{"name": "Carbon", "atomicNumber": 6}""")

let element = to(jsonObject, Element)
# This will print Carbon
echo element.name
# This will print 6
echo element.atomicNumber

See the json module documentation for more information.